New Online Store

I love graphic tees, which is abundantly clear when you look in my wardrobe. So, it was a natural progression to decide to produce some t-shirts of my own. I found a host site to launch my store on and started loading up some designs. It’s been a lot of fun. I’m going to have to buy some of these for myself!

If you’re interested in grabbing some book-related merchandise (there are other products also available) click here. If you do happen to buy something, take a selfie and post it on my Facebook page!


New year, new stories

I hope everyone has had a safe and happy start to 2017. My goal is to do lots more writing this year, and release multiple titles.
I’m off to a good start. Today I finished the first draft of my first paranormal romance novella. It will need work, of course, but it’s been in development for a long time. I’ve based it (extremely loosely) on the lyrics to the song Scar On The Sky, with which it will share the title. If a fallen angel romance appeals to you, keep an eye out for further news on the project.
I have about ten other projects on the go as well. A few are side projects but if I get them all done this year it will be a real achievement. I also have a feeling I will be starting at least a few more new books in the coming months.
What would you like to see more of from me this year? More romance? More horror? Something else? Suggestions are always welcome.
